South Carolina Truck Accident Lawyer Nathan Hughey – Vehicle Rollover Attorney Nathan Hughey – Trucking Accident Wrongful Death Settlement
South Carolina #truckaccidentattorney Nathan Hughey is currently litigating a case similar to that in this article. A #truckwreck caused our client to suffer severe and permanent injuries, ruining a promising naval career. We have handled other #sctruckingaccident lawsuits and #truckinglawyers such as those at Hughey Law Firm have settled truck accidents in the millions of dollars aggregate. We had an #accidentsettlement of over $700,000.00 in an accident involving an #18wheeler overturning on I-95 and a #defective #roaddesign and highway. We have settled #wrongfuldeath claims involving highway designed and #vehiclerollover accidents before. Contact us with any #rollover claim you have and we will be happy to look into it for you.